Home Improvements in Summerset Orchards
If you are planning on renovating your property, please complete a Home Improvement Request Application. Certain types of renovations require a specific application, such as solar and artificial grass or turf. You can view/download/print the Home Improvement Request Applications, Architectural Guide, and Architectural Standards in the blue box on this page or pick up an application at the front desk.
Along with the completed application, please submit a copy of your plot plan (except when painting), which can be obtained at the Lodge, as well as colored photos of your existing property and depictions or drawings of your intended renovation(s). The more details provided, the better!
Please remember to turn in your completed packet as soon as possible to allow for review by the Architectural Review Committee, as the Committee meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month.
You must submit an application if you are making changes to any of the following:
- Solar*
- Garage Door/Exterior Door
- Driveway/Walkway
- Roof/Gutters
- Deck/Patio/Courtyard
- Shades/Privacy Screen/Awning
- Arbor/Overhang/Pergola/Gazebo
- Fence/Fence Addition/Retaining Wall
- Landscaping Front, Rear, Side Yard
- Swimming Pool/Spa/Decorative Pond
- Garbage Enclosure
- TV or Video Antenna/Satellite Dish
- Generator
- Tree Modification
- Artificial Grass or Turf*
- Remodel/Addition
*Contractor agreement required.
Before turning in your application for review, be sure to do the following:
- Please read the packet thoroughly to ensure your request meets R&R and ARC guidelines prior to submittal.
- Attach color photographs and a plot plan showing the existing relevant house elevation(s) and specific area(s) where any proposed improvement(s) are intended to the application.
- Attach paint color samples marked for the stucco body, stucco trim and gutters, entry doors, shutters, and overhead garage door, specifying the manufacturer's color name, number, and sheen for each proposed paint color.
- Paint a 4' x 4' section that includes all areas to be painted for ARC inspection, e.g., if painting stucco body, stucco trim, and gutters, include all in the 4' x 4' section.
- Label all samples with your name, i.e., artificial grass or turf.
Other reminders:
- All properties are required to maintain street trees per City of Brentwood.
- Once planted, the landscape is expected to be maintained as approved.
- Please do not submit photos of neighbor’s yards in anticipation of expected approval.
For questions and assistance, please contact Deb at 925.301.9355 or email ssivmanager@gmail.com.